You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.8. END OF PERIOD Menu > 1.8.3. End of Period - End of Month > Distribution End of Month Procedures

Distribution End of Month Procedures

Before Running End of Month


Best Practice

Prior to EOM, all users should be reminded when EOM will be run to ensure that they have completed the transactions to be included in the current month's processing.

Lock the System Date

On the last day of each month, you should lock the system date in Micronet for all users, even if you don’t intend to run the EOM for several days. Micronet ages debtor transactions from the date displayed on the Distribution main screen, so this ensures that the correct date and period are set on all transactions processed up until the EOM is run. Locking the date also ensures that your EOM reports display the correct date.

Do not unlock the date until after you have run the EOM.

  2. Set the date (mm/dd/yy).
  3. Select Lock Date.


Related Topics

  1. Check that all invoicing and credits have been processed.
  2. Check unfinalised sales.
  3. Check that all cash registers have processed End of Day.


Related Topics

  1. Check that all jobs have been invoiced.
  2. In MDS, print the pre-EOM reports batch which should have been setup for you by your Micronet Certified Installer.
  1. Review the reports.
  2. In MJC, adjust WIP as required.
  1. Complete internal jobs and print the default report.
  1. In MDS, print the pre-EOM reports batch again and re-check the reports.


Related Topics

  1. Check that all supplier invoices have been processed.
  2. Print the Uncosted Report and reconcile all invoices that are available.
  1. Check outstanding purchase orders and delete purchase orders no longer required.
  2. Check the Unallocated Payment report and allocate where possible.
  1. Check the Debtors Aged Trial Balance for small amounts that should be adjusted off.


Related Topics

Debtor Transactions
  1. Print all debtor batches including:
  1. In Debtor Banking, select the items to be banked and Set to Deposit then print the deposit slip.


Related Topics

Inventory Reports



The following reports are accumulative and need to be cleared monthly as a minimum.


  1. Print the Goods Received Report.
  2. Print the Uncosted Report.
  3. Print the Inventory Adjustment Register.


Related Topics

End of Day

Process MDS data to the GL:

  1. In MDS, select END OF PERIOD | END OF DAY.
  2. Select Print GL External Report.

You must print the GL External report before running EOM.

  1. Optionally, select Post MDS to Creditors Ledger.

You do not have to post MDS data to MCL before running EOM in Distribution.

  1. Make sure that Send to Printer is not ticked.
  2. If no reports are selected:
  1. Select Ok.


Related Topics

Running End of Month

When you run the EOM in MDS, Micronet will first copy the data from your Live area to your EOM area (as specified in the End of Month Copy Folder field on the General Configuration screen in your company settings), then commence the EOM rollover.

Copying the data to an EOM area means you can let users back into Micronet as soon as the EOM has finished processing while you print your EOM reports and do other EOM checks using the data in the EOM area. You don’t need to lock users out of Micronet for lengthy periods or run the EOM rollover outside business hours.

If addition, if there is an error during the EOM rollover, Micronet Service Desk staff can simply copy the data from your EOM area to your Live area which is much quicker than having to restore from backups.



  • For non-Hosted customers, this does not replace your company's normal nightly procedure for backing up your Micronet data.
  • Before you process the EOM, check that all users have logged out and all other Micronet sessions are closed.
  • If you want your End of Month data to be available from the Micronet End of Month Launcher, make sure you run the 28 Micronet EOM Copy utility before running the EOM in Distribution – see "Micronet End of Month Launcher".

To run the EOM rollover:

  1. Login to MDS.
  2. Select MAINTENANCE | EDIT COMPANY | EDIT | COMPANY LOCKDOWN to lockdown the company (Micronet 2.8).
  4. Select the End of Month button.
  5. Select Yes to run EOM rollover.
  6. When prompted to print EOM reports, select either:



Monitor the EOM process; do not leave unattended or terminate the process.

If Micronet displays the EOM Changed Debtor Balances screen during the EOM rollover, contact the Micronet Service Desk. The EOM process recalculates debtor account balances. If this screen appears, it means the debtor’s account balance is different between the Live and EOM areas and the Service Desk will need to recalculate balances in the EOM area to ensure that your EOM reports are correct.

  1. When the process has finished, make sure you log out of MDS and log back in again.


Related Topics

Post-EOM Checks

Before you let users back into Micronet in your Live area, you should check that the EOM processed correctly and that there are no problems with the data.

  1. Open Distribution in both the Live and EOM areas so you can compare the two sets of figures.
  2. In the Live area only, print the General System Summary to screen.
  3. Check that all MTD values are 0; investigate discrepancies.
  4. In both the Live and EOM areas, print the Monthly System Summary to screen.
  5. Check that the current monthly figures are the same.
  6. Print the Debtors Aged Trial Balance Totals report to screen.
  7. Check that the totals in the Live and EOM areas are the same.
  8. In the Live area only, check that all values in the Current column are 0; investigate discrepancies.
  9. If there are discrepancies, print the Debtors Aged Trial Balance with Transactions report to screen.
  10. Identify the affected customer(s) and contact the Micronet Service Desk for assistance.
  11. In the Live area only, print the Monthly Sales Register to screen.

The “Insufficient Data to Print Report” message should be displayed.

  1. If this message is not displayed, contact the Micronet Service Desk immediately.


Related Topics

Resume Processing

If the EOM processed correctly and there are no problems with the data, you can release the company from lockdown (Micronet 2.8) and reset the system date:

  2. Uncheck Lockdown Company then select OK.
  4. Select Reset.
  5. Allow users back in to Micronet.


Related Topics

After Running End of Month

The following steps can be completed using the data in the EOM area while users continue using Micronet in the Live area.

  1. Print debtor statements.

A PDF copy of all statements is located in Reports\Statements. Note that statements may be included in your EOM batch reports.

  1. If not already printed, print your EOM batch reports.

PDF reports are saved in Reports.

  1. In MGL:
  1. Check that the variance between Goods Received and Purchases equals the value on the Uncosted Report (see Inventory Reports earlier in this topic).


Related Topics

Creditors EOM

When you have finished your EOM rollover in MDS, you can process the Creditors EOM. As a general rule, this can be up to 10 days after processing your Distribution EOM.

Refer to "Creditors End of Month Procedures".

General Ledger EOM

When you have finished your Creditors EOM rollover, you can process the General Ledger EOM. GL EOM rollovers are not mandatory; however, running the EOM increments the default GL period number by one. This ensures that users don’t need to remember to change the default period when entering transactions in MGL.

Refer to "General Ledger End of Month Procedures".


Technical Tip

End of Year is processed immediately after EOM has been completed for June. For more information, refer to "Appendix 1: EOY Quick Reference Procedures" in the Micronet End of Year Seminar manual.